Selasa, 22 Juli 2014



                                                           Importance of Writing Skills

1. Expression
Writing is one of the important ways of expressing your thoughts, and communicating ideas and views to others. Some have the innate ability to put their thoughts into words. Writing is more beneficial, specifically for those who are emotional, and do not express verbally. This tool allows them to express their ideas, thoughts or their existing mental condition, which otherwise, may not be possible. People express themselves by writing novels, short stories, biographies, and even personal diaries, etc. Interestingly, 93% of teens in American schools are fond of writing, when it's not a part of their school curriculum; rather when it is for themselves. So, by proper guidance and counseling, the writing abilities of these teens can be channelized in such a way that, they could stand in good stead in the chosen avenue of their lives.

2. Judgment of a Person
Often, a person is judged by the quality of writing, he/she possesses. Be it a school, college, workplace or a society, writing has become a vital yardstick to assess one's knowledge, and intellectuality. When we come across a person who is prim and proper, we immediately make an impression about that person being careful, responsible, and sincere. Similarly, if the writing is devoid of mistakes, we tend to create a good impression about the writer.
3. Flexibility and Maturity
Writing is an art, which you develop over a period of time. This practice will make you more mature as a writer, because you gradually start putting yourself into the shoes of the reader, and express accordingly. Also, the more you write, the more flexible your vision and thought process become towards the requirements and demands of the readers.

4. Ability to Explain
While writing, one has to be extra cautious with regard to the tone and tenor of the language, grammar, spellings, etc., so that the reader can decipher the intended meaning of the content. When we write something, there is a tendency to read the content over and over, for possible errors or mistakes. By doing this, we thoroughly understand what we have written, and how we can improve it, to explain to the reader in a simple and concise way what we are trying to convey.

5. Communication
The following areas will throw light on writing as a form of communication.
Business: It is not possible to conduct all transactions by speech alone. If there exists a business project or an opportunity, one needs to send written proposals. The document should have clarity. Electronic mail has become a very popular means of communication in the business world today. This source of communication is used to send business correspondence addressed to customers, clients, associates, business partners, and employees within the organization.
Education: One learns the art of writing in school and college. The skill of expressing one's thoughts, and communicating ideas and views to others is developed here. Exams are an ideal opportunity to demonstrate this facet. As per a national survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, and the National Commission on Writing, both the teenagers and their parents believe that "good writing is a bedrock for future success". Also, 8 in 10 parents, now, are of the opinion that writing has become more important today, than it was 20 years ago.
Career Planning: When it comes to career planning, written communication skills invariably become the deciding factor. The various entrance exams conducted like: SAT, GRE, ACT, GMAT, etc., assess the verbal and written communication skills of the candidates. Often, candidates who are good at mathematics and analytics, but poor in written communication are also rejected, because the examiners believe that good communication skills - verbal or written - are pivotal for students opting for higher education.

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